Sinogas Maritime is strengthening its presence in mid-size LPG shipping with a new order in China.

Brokers report the Singapore owner and manager has signed a contract for four 41,000-cbm carriers at Huangpu Wenchong for delivery in 2027.

No price has been given for the ships.

Sinogas’ website lists four 41,000-cbm LPG vessels on order for delivery in 2027, without naming the yard.

The company is owned by Liu Jichun’s Wideshine Enterprises and is affiliated with shipowner Tianjin Southwest Maritime (TSM).

TSM ordered two 25,000-cbm LPG carriers at Guangzhou Wenchong in China earlier this year.

The Sinogas website lists the pair in its fleet of managed newbuildings and has now added a third 25,000-cbm ship due in 2027.

It is not clear if this is also being built at Guangzhou Wenchong.

Sinogas has been contacted for further information.

VesselsValue assesses the fleet as worth $3.2bn, while Clarksons lists nine VLGCs in operation.

There are nearly $3bn of VLEC newbuildings on order — 18 vessels — at Jiagnan Shanghai Changxing Heavy Industries.

The new TSM LPG duo is due in 2026. They are dual-fuel LPG/ammonia carriers.

According to local news agencies, this was the first time that dual-fuel LPG/ammonia carriers had been ordered in China.

Brokers said that newbuilding contract was signed some time ago but the deal only became effective in the spring.

This is likely to be the case with the Huangpu Wenchong quartet as well.

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