Denmark’s Maersk Tankers is set to launch a new pool for chemical carriers.

In a social media post, the company said it will kick off its new pool on 1 October.

A spokesman for Maersk Tankers told TradeWinds that it will be called Maersk Tankers Chemicals.

He said the pool will start with five vessels, changing over from 1 October.

The focus is on J19 chemical tankers — stainless steel chemical tankers of between 19,000 dwt and 22,500 dwt — which are held by Maersk Tankers’ existing partners.

The company, which operates a series of nine pools, lists five stainless steel tankers on its website. These comprise the 19,900-dwt Asp Lily, 19,992-dwt Nv Athena and Nv Minerva (all built 2011), the 19,991-dwt Opec Victory (built 2012) and the 19,996-dwt Windsor (built 2010).

These vessels are currently listed in Maersk Tankers’ “intermediate” pool.

The company said the pool would be supported by its existing partners and will draw on its “experience and expertise” with chemical vessels.

Maersk Tankers said the new pool is designed to maximise returns for its partners. It detailed that it will have no minimum commitment period and flexible redelivery terms.

“The new chemical pool offers a seamless onboarding process and a fair and transparent earnings model,” it said.

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