The Khulu service is due to start at the beginning of May and lifts toeight the number of CMA CGM services offering weekly calls in South Africa.

Theport rotation will see the service start from Houston before crossing theAtlantic to call at Walvis Bay, Cape Town, Durban, Maputo and Richards Baybefore returning to Houston.

Theservice is operated using the 1,454-teu Amber Lagoon (built 1997), the1,866-teu Atacama (built 2004), the 1,454-teu Grey Fox (built 1998), the1,866-teu Lombardia (built 2005), the 1,644-teu Marie (built 1999) and the1,400-teu Purple Beach (built 1998).

GAL specialises in the transport of containers, break bulk and bulkas well as heavy lift and project cargoes using a fleet of time chartered multipurpose vessels.