The move, going live this month, is aimed at generating more savings forshipowners.

Peter Cremers, managing director of Anglo-Eastern said: “We have a dutyto our clients to explore any partnerships which can deliver savings; these areparamount for our owners in these very tough markets”.

It will take the number of ships whose managers use Marcas to 1,700vessels, from a previous 1,200, and make the organisation the major buyinggroup for the maritime industry.

Marcas, which was set up in 1999, negotiates and signs contracts withsuppliers worldwide ‘as agent on behalf of members’ who retain management andcontrol of their purchasing, logistics and invoicing.

Bob Bishop, executive director of V.Group, added: “V.Ships has beenactive in Marcas since the beginning and it has proved its worth over the past15 years, aggregating purchase volumes to obtain maximum value goods andservices. Partnering with another of the world’s leading managers is a majorstep for owners and for suppliers who can trust in continuity of supply andproduction”.

There will be no employee changes within the Anglo-Eastern or V.Shipsorganisations as a result of the move. The shares in Marcas are currently owned by V.Ships.