Dryad Maritime says information on vessel movementsand cargoes must be restricted to those that need to know.
It argues that that insider information may be atthe heart of a several recent attacks involving cargo thefts in Southeast Asia.
Dryad said the recent hijacking of the Orapin 4 promptedit to issue the advisory to its shipping clients, on the basis that the crimefollows a pattern, which has seen up to six such attacks, over the last ninemonths.
“The vessel’s last communicated position report,just two hours after departing Singapore, suggests that the hijackers mostlikely boarded the ship in the Singapore Strait, a body of water denselypopulated with shipping as well as police and coastguard vessels,” said Dryad’schief operating officer Ian Millen.
”We believe that the criminal gang involved eitherhad prior knowledge of the ship’s intended movements or followed her out of theanchorage.
”Whilst details at this stage are sketchy, there isgood reason to believe that the incident may be linked to other similar crimesover this period.”
Dryad’s senior analyst, Stephen McKenzie, expressedconcern over the under reporting of such crimes, detailing the similaritiesbetween a number of other incidents.
“We believe that this type of organised crime is farmore prevalent than reporting would suggest. It is clearly well organisedand executed, orchestrated by criminal gangs who are involved in the marinefuel black market across Asia.”
“Although we don’t yet know the full details of whathappened on Orapin 4, it is likely that the vessel has been the victim of oneof these gangs.
“In previous incidents, crew members have reportedbunker barges and other small tankers waiting to transfer fuel at predeterminedrendezvous sites.
“The hijackers clearly have knowledge of theoperation of radio and satellite communications, along with some proficiency inhandling fuel lines other ships’ equipment.
“Violence is often used against crew members andvessels are often ransacked for cash, personal belongings and portableelectrical equipment before the criminals depart.
“This might suggest that those involved in thehijack are not particularly well paid for their part in the operation.
“This latest hijack is clearly not an isolated eventand it is likely that such crime will continue to be perpetrated to feed theblack market.
“The unfortunate victims we have seen tend to besmall, local product tankers, mainly working out of Singapore, with no obviousthreat of this type of crime against larger tankers transiting through thearea.
“The key to defeating the criminal gangs involvedlies in comprehensive reporting of all such incidents to the IMB andappropriate regional authorities, alongside the sharing of information withlocal law enforcement.
“This kind of threat ultimately needs to be tackledat the point of criminal origin ashore. Once in control of a vessel, it’sjust too late.” added Millen.