The country is set to establish a series of safeanchorages within some ports, according to Intercargo and Skuld P&I Club.

These designated areas will reportedly be “monitoredand patrolled regularly” by the Indonesian Marine Police.

Intercargo says the safe anchorages will be set upat: Belawan: 03:55.00N-098:45.30E, Dumai: 01:42.00N-101:28.00E, Nipah:01:07.30N-103:37.00E, Tanjung Priok: 06:00.30S-106:54.00E, Gresik:07:09.00S-112:40.00E, Taboneo: 04:41.30S-114:28.00E, Adang Bay:01:40.00S-116:40.00E, Muara Berau: 00:17.00S-117:36.00E, Muara Jawa:01:09.00S-117:13.00E and Balikpapan: 01:22.00S-116:53.00E.

Until recently almost all attacks off Indonesia wereopportunistic ‘smash and grab’ type robberies on vessels in port or at anchor,according to security consultants AKE Maritime.

But according to Skuld pirates have started totarget tankers in South Asian waters for the purpose of hijackings and cargothefts.

“This is a very serious new development for piracy risks in thesewaters, which are already the location of theft and armed robbery incidents,”it said.

Dryad Maritime recently warned shipowners operating smalltankers in waters around Singapore to keep their operational details secret.

The UK-based security outfit said information on vesselmovements and cargoes must be restricted to those that need to know.

It argues that that insider information may be at the heart of a severalrecent attacks involving cargo thefts in Southeast Asia.