Thefirst attack was on 3 May when five robbers attempted to board a chemicaltanker in position 01° 24.4’N 104° 41’E about 12nm north-north-east of Pulau Bintan.

Reportssay the robbers aborted mission once the crew sounded the alarm. Nothing wasstolen and none of the crew was harmed.

Less than a day later another chemical tanker was boarded by robbers in 01° 27.2’N104° 35.2’E about 13nm north of Pulau Bintan.

Thetanker’s engine spares were said to have been stolen. The crew mustered andbroadcasted a security message to surrounding vessels.

Threedays later on 7 May an anchored product tanker was boarded by four armedindividuals in position 01° 28.7’N 104° 40’E about 15nm north east of PulauBintan.

Onthis occasion the robbers fled empty handed after the ship’s crew raised thealarm.

Detailsof the three incidents come in the latest piracy report from UK-based securityconsultants AKE Maritime.

Instances of low level robberies atIndonesian anchorages continue to figure prominently in maritime reports.

“They underline the requirement to maintainan alert duty crew at all times, and ensure basic security measures are well-rehearsedand adhered to,” said AKE Maritime.

“Almostall attacks are opportunistic ‘smash and grab’ type robberies on vessels inport or at anchor.”