The wash from passing ships can exert large forces onmoored vessels, mooring lines and fender loads, creating dangerous conditions, accordingto a joint industry study Research on the Passing Effects on Ships (Ropes).

Wash effects were shown to be able to cause mooredships to come loose and affect the safe loading and unloading of vessels, thethree year project reveals.

The research also found that forces from the wash aredirectly influenced by the shape of a port basin, the size of the vessel, thepassing distance and speed.

“Our research has identified the full effects of apassing ship’s wash and the impact is serious,” said Marco Pluijm, Bechtelports-sector manager and chair of Ropes.

Container cranes, loading arms for oil and LNG andautomated dry bulk excavators generally allow limited horizontal vessel motionswhich can be exceeded, and mooring equipment was often found to be incapable ofresisting forces exerted on ropes and winches.

Ropes researchers have developed a software program to improvesafety and created guidelines for use in the design of futureports based on the findings.

The Ropes group of 25 members includes portauthorities, maritime research institute representatives, pilots, linesmen, and hardware suppliers, plus port engineering and construction group Bechtel.