Koo family shipowning company Valles Steamship has sold one of its older tankers, brokers believe.

It comes with the Chinese owner having just added to its aframax orderbook in Japan and suggests prices in the sector are failing to keep pace with escalating VLCC values.

Sales speculation has surrounded the 109,000-dwt Seaheritage (built 2005) for several months, which Union Maritime linked to the tanker back in the spring.

While some have been connecting the UK owner to the ship once again, it is now believed the tanker has been purchased by a Greek company.

A price of $14.5 is being placed on the ship, which shows steady values for aframax tonnage, unlike the sharply rising VLCC market.

Valles officials have yet to respond to requests for comment on the matter.

The Seaheritage was one of seven aframaxes in the Valles fleet alongside a couple of LR2s and three MRs.

TradeWinds reported last month the shipowner had doubled its aframax order at Sumitomo Heavy Industries in Japan, adding an option to a 112,000-dwt tanker already under construction for delivery in 2020.

Valles was started in 1917 by C.S. Koo in Shanghai.

Today it has three members of the family on its management board, David, Eric and Kingsley Koo.

Bob Rust also contributed to this article