Greece’s Diana Shipping says it has entered into a time charter contract with Stone Shipping for an ultramax bulker.

The 60,400-dwt DSI Polaris (built 2018) began the charter retroactively on 20 July, the New York-listed company announced on Wednesday.

The gross charter rate is $15,400 per day, minus a 5% commission paid to third parties, for a period until at least 1 June 2025 up to a maximum of 15 August 2025.

The employment is expected to generate $4.76m of gross revenue for the minimum scheduled period.

The DSI Polaris has come off a contract with ASL Bulk Marine at a gross charter rate of $13,100 per day, minus a 5% commission to third parties.

Earlier in July, Diana sealed several other charter contracts.

It secured a charter with Swiss trader Cargill International for the 77,500-dwt ice-class panamax Atalandi (built 2014) at $14,600 per day, minus a 4.75% commission to third parties.

The minimum period ends on 1 June next year, with an extension to 31 July possible.

Diana also landed a pay rise for one of its newcastlemax bulkers chartered by Japan’s NYK.

It said the 206,100-dwt Los Angeles (built 2012) had been fixed at $28,700 per day from July until either October or December next year.

Upon completion of the previously announced sale of the 177,700-dwt capesize Houston (built 2009), Diana’s fleet will consist of 38 bulk carriers: four newcastlemaxes, eight capesizes, five post-panamaxes, six kamsarmaxes, six panamaxes and nine ultramaxes. The fleet has a weighted average age of 10.97 years

It also expects to take delivery of two methanol dual-fuel kamsarmax newbuildings by the second half of 2027 and the first half of 2028.