Two more staff have resigned from Oldendorff Carriers, bringing the total of known departures to nine over the past week.

All the departing staff are said to be bound for a new company being put together by ex-Oldendorff chief executive Peter Twiss.

TradeWinds understands the new operator platform is being backed by Greeks with links to a public company, but their identities have not yet been disclosed.

Dexter Jeremiah has resigned as Oldendorff’s managing director of marine operations.

Briz Neo has also stepped down as the company’s senior vetting expert in Singapore.

Jeremiah was previously head of fleet management and a board member at the Lubeck-headquartered owner-operator and was succeeded by Scott Bergeron in August last year.

A master mariner, Jeremiah was credited with shaping Oldendorff’s operations department as well as previously running the company’s Trinidad transshipment project and performance desk.

Mystery backers

Talk has now turned to which Greek shipowner is backing the new platform that Twiss is putting together.

TradeWinds understands the operating platform is being backed by big-name Greek interests with links to a public company. Neither the name of the new venture or its backers have yet been revealed.

The two fresh departures from Oldendorff follow the resignation of four research workers from its Singapore office and three key staff from its cargo desk, including its managing director Slawomir Ratajewski, over the past week.

All are understood to be joining a new company backed by Twiss, who abruptly announced his retirement in March last year after almost 30 years at Oldendorff.

The team of nine will give the new company expertise in operations, vessel vetting, access to cargo clients, freight research and the management oversight of Twiss himself.

Twiss declined to comment on his plans when approached by TradeWinds. Oldendorff did not comment on the staff departures.