Star Bulk Carriers is continuing to release staffers from the former Eagle Bulk Shipping as it reaps synergies from the acquisition completed in April.

Bunker manager Jim Gilligan, an eight-year veteran, is the latest to leave his post in the Stamford, Connecticut office that Star inherited from Eagle in the all-stock takeover.

Bunkering functions are one of the areas that will be covered from Star Bulk’s offices in Greece on behalf of the enlarged fleet, TradeWinds understand.

A new destination for Gilligan has not yet been identified. Before joining Eagle in 2016, he held posts with Navig8 Group bunkering vehicle Integr8, OceanConnect Marine and World Fuel Services.

Gilligan joins a series of departures of former Eagle workers as Star reaps synergies that were touted as part of the consolidation move.

TradeWinds reported in July that two key financial staffers had left for new posts.

Elie Cohen, formerly Eagle’s head of accounting, and Evan Guynn, head of financial planning & analysis, were quickly snapped up by other industry players.

Cohen, who also had roles as controller and treasurer at Eagle, emerged in the controller’s post at New York City-based McAllister Towing & Transportation under chief financial officer Alan Ginsberg, himself a former Eagle CFO.

Guynn started work at Stamford gas ship owner Dorian LPG, in a capacity similar to his Eagle role under chief financial officer Ted Young.

Cuts by Star of ex-Eagle staffers have not been limited to the financial sphere. In June, the Greek company let go about 10% of the former Eagle staff, including Singapore-based technical director Claus Jensen.

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Former chief executive Gary Vogel left Eagle at the closing of the merger, accepting a large severance package. He is expected to return to the sector after enjoying some downtime with his family.

The highest-ranking former Eagle staffer expected to depart the Star Bulk ranks soon is former chief financial officer Costa Tsoutsoplides.

His interim post as senior adviser is expected to finish at the end of September. It is believed Tsoutsoplides is headed for another finance post within shipping.