A CPC Corp tanker has suffered hull damage after hitting an offshore concrete breakwater in Taiwan.

Taiwan News reported the 41,000-dwt Tong Yun (built 2011) was holed in the accident on Saturday afternoon as it was leaving the port of Kaohsiung.

Video footage shot from the vessel shows the starboard stern side hitting a sharp corner of the jetty.

A huge gash in the hull appeared to reach the waterline, but the vessel was stable, with cargo tanks intact.

The tanker requested permission for emergency docking after the incident.

This was granted, CNA reported.

The 182-metre ship docked safely by 1800 local time.

Oil booms were placed around it in case of any leaks.

After a thorough inspection, authorities said on Sunday that there had been no spill from the ship.

They said the Taiwan-flag Tong Yun did not pose an environmental hazard.

The Transportation Bureau’s Safety Board in Kaohsiung was still conducting an inquiry into the cause of the accident, as well as damage caused to port facilities by the smash.

Under observation

Footage showed only minimal damage to the breakwater above the water’s surface.

The tanker will remain under observation to ensure safety until it can be repaired, reports said.

The Tong Yun has two port state control inspections on its record, with no detentions or deficiencies.

Insurance cover is provided by Britannia Steamship in the UK.

AIS data showed the vessel moored in Kaohsiung on Tuesday.

CPC Corp has been contacted for further information.