Thewinners are Wang Wenhao taking a first degree in maritime studies at NanyangTechnological University and Daniela Gladun studying Shipping and Logistics atthe Chalmers University of Technology.

Theannual scholarship worth up to $20,000 was set up by Gard’s shipowner board toreflect Isacson’s commitment to education and training.

“Thisannual scholarship has been set up to help young people finance an education atuniversity level, with a view to finding work within the shipping and marineinsurance sectors. Wang and Daniela are both intent on pursuing a career in themaritime industries and we’re delighted to award the scholarship to two suchdeserving candidates,” said Gard chairman, Bengt Hermelin of Samco Shipholding.

Wenhaoand Gladun were selected from 54 applicants from 13 countries, with each requiredto present a plan for completion of their studies and how they intended to makeuse of the scholarship.

TheClaes Isacson scholarship can be awarded to a single applicant or split betweentwo or more students each year.