He spent 26 years at the West of EnglandClub rising to be claims director before setting up the Terra Nova P&Ischeme in 1997 in partnership with Andrew Barker a senior underwritingcolleague from the same club.
The two later established a P&Ifacility for the New York quoted Navigators insurance group where Newberyretired in 2007 although he continued as a consultant for another year.
Newbery (68) grew up in a shippingfamily – his father was a main board director of Canadian Pacific – so afterqualifying as a solicitor it was no surprise that he joined a P&I club.
“He was a terrific and imaginativeproblem solver. Lots of P&I claims handlers’ response to a problem is to godown the legal route but Michael’s approach was to quickly and effectively sortout the issue and never appoint lawyers unless you had to. He was veryeffective,” says Barker.
Newbery leaves a widow, Alex, and grownup children.
A funeral service is to take place onMonday 23 June at West Herts Crematorium in Hertfordshire in the UK.