The Federal Court of Canada has ordered the owner of a ship that sank in 2015 to pay CAD $0.86m ($0.65m) for clean-up costs.

The money from Tracey Donald Dodds for the incident involving the 200-dwt Farley Mowat (built 1958) will go to the Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund (SOPF) for damages and interest.

The statement of claim filed by SOPF was “amongst SOPF’s largest number of incidents for one single ship ever: three occurrences and $2m claimed,” SOPF said.

The New Glasgow News said the summary judgement ordered Dodds to pay damages in the amount of $839,863, plus pre-judgement interest of $27,295, for clean-up following the sinking and oil discharge into Shelburne Harbour.

The vessel was a former standby ship that was previously operated by conservation group Sea Shepherd.

It had been in Shelburne since September 2014.

The ship was finally removed in July 2017.