Tan Beng Tee, who earned the nickname of Singapore’s First Lady of Shipping for her tireless efforts to put the city state on the global maritime map, has joined the Kenon Holdings board.

Kenon, which is headquartered in Singapore and has a dual listing on the New York and Tel Aviv exchanges, was founded in 2014 as a spin-off from the Ofer family’s Israel Corp. It is the largest shareholder in liner company Zim with a 21% stake.

The bulk of the Idan Ofer company’s investments are in the energy sector.

Tan will assume her role of non-executive director on 30 August, Kenon said in an exchange announcement.

Chairman Cyril Ducau, who is also chief executive of Ofer’s Eastern Pacific Shipping, said: “We are thrilled to have Tan Beng Tee join our board of directors. She brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table, which will help us as we manage our existing business holdings and look to make key project investments or acquisitions in the future.

“Her wealth of knowledge and business acumen will help guide the company’s current businesses and play a key role as we look to broaden our business holdings.”


Tan is executive director of the Singapore Maritime Foundation, a role she took on in January 2021 after stepping down as assistant chief executive of the Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).

In Tan’s long career with the MPA, she spearheaded Singapore’s transformation into a major international maritime centre.

Joining Tan on the Kenon board is chief executive Robert Rosen, who has been appointed executive director, effective immediately.

Rosen will continue as Kenon’s chief executive.

“Having Robert join us on the board will provide us with valuable insights on day-to-day operations and governance, allowing us to streamline the management of our businesses and capitalise on market opportunities,” Ducau said.

Kenon also announced that Deepa Joseph has been appointed interim chief financial officer from 1 September, when she replaces Mark Hasson, who is resigning.

Joseph currently serves as CFO of Ansonia Holdings Singapore, which owns 60% of Kenon’s outstanding shares.

Rosen described Joseph as a “leading force in the corporate financial world” and said she will play a key role in Kenon’s strategic and financial planning as it continues to grow.