More than half of seafarers polled think the internet has damaged the social aspects of life at sea.

The Crew Connectivity 2018 survey of seafarers found that 53% believed improved communications systems had seen a decline in social interaction onboard ship.

The same survey revealed 75% of seafarers now have internet access at sea, with more than 500,000 getting access since 2015.

The Crew Connectivity report was quick to play down the effect of connectivity on crew onboard isolation, saying that at least they could now connect with their friends if not with their onboard colleagues.

“Access to connectivity should not be blamed for isolation because connectivity enables seafarers to interact with their own online community,” the report said.

It also pointed out that the same decline in social interaction is evident on ships without internet access.

The internet also allows seafarers to contact friends and family without having to wait to visit seafarer welfare centres at ports.

Seafarers are also keen to go on ships with high levels of connectivity. About 75% of respondents said internet access was an important factor in choosing an employer.