Greece’s Monte Nero Management is said to be expanding its fleet with bulker and tanker newbuildings.

The Athens-based company is estimated to have spent about $282m ordering seven ships in China.

Shipbuilding sources said Huanghai Shipbuilding will construct four 50,000-dwt MR tankers.

Three 63,500-dwt ultramax bulkers have been booked at Jiangsu-based Nantong Xiangyu Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering.

Officials at the two yards declined to comment. TradeWinds has contacted Monte Nero for confirmation.

Monte Nero was established in 2018 and Athens sources have linked it to shipowner Panagis Zissimatos.

VesselsValue lists it fleet as comprising two Jiangnan-built panamaxes and one Japanese-built supramax bulker. The outfit is associated with Swiss Carriers, led by Zissimatos.

VesselsValue shows that Monte Nero acquired the 55,900-dwt supramax Obe Lotus (ex-King Baton Rouge, built 2014) in January from Murakami Sekiyu for $22m.

Monte Nero’s ultramax newbuildings at Nantong Xiangy are listed on VesselsValue’s database as Hull No 155, Hull No 156 and Hull No 157, due for delivery in the second half of next year.

They will comply with Phase 3 of the International Maritime Organization’s Energy Efficiency Design Index standards for greenhouse gas emissions and will meet Tier III NOx targets.

The price has not been disclosed, but brokers believe they cost about $34m each.

Monte Nero’s tanker contract will be the second MR newbuilding deal for Shandong’s Huanghai Shipbuilding.

It debuted in the segment in May when it bagged an order from Chinese logistics company New Legend Group for two vessels with two options.

The privately owned yard is due to deliver New Legend’s and Monte Nero’s MRs in late 2026 and 2027.

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