The International Maritime Organization’s secretary general got real on his support for women in shipping last week by refusing to participate in an all-male conference panel.

Arsenio Dominguez told the annual general meeting of the Women In Shipping & Trading Association (Wista) that he was due to speak at the International Association Ports & Harbours event last week.

But he refused to go ahead when he found out there would be no women on the panel.

Dominguez said his mission is to help end all-male panels — so-called “manels” — at shipping and maritime events.

“I said at the beginning of the year, in fact, I said last year, that I will not participate on ‘manels’ and I’ll stand by it,” he said.

“That’s a policy now of the whole organisation, every single staff member at IMO and every event that we organise for participating.

“Yes, there’s work to be done, but I’m pleased that it’s being acknowledged and it’s recognised.

Dominguez called on leaders from other major shipping associations, including Guy Platten, secretary general of the International Chamber of Shipping, who was also present, to join him in this campaign.

“This is where those small actions start becoming more tangible and taking us to the next step, so please continue to help me on this campaign,” he said.

“It’s a marathon. It’s not a sprint.”