Paradise Navigation, an Athens-based manager of tankers and gas carriers with a rich history of cooperations and partnerships, has appointed a chief executive to spur its growth and help it develop in new directions.

Matthew Los, formerly a CEO at Greek shipping outfit Blue Planet Shipping and managing partner at the Safe Ship Investment Fund, announced assuming his new post on Friday.

“I look forward to leveraging my experience and our collective expertise to drive growth and success,” Los said in a social media post.

A summary of the company’s previous management team on its website suggests that Paradise Navigation has not had a CEO position before.

Speaking to TradeWinds, Paradise Navigation chairman Konstantinos Tsakiris confirmed the news and explained there is a rationale behind Los’ appointment.

“It’s part of a drive to open up towards offering third-party ship management services,” Tsakiris said.

Paradise Navigation is currently listing four LR1 tankers and five small gas carriers in its managed fleet.

The company has occasionally managed other owners’ vessels in the past, but not in a sustained way or on a large scale, Tsakiris said.

It is an affiliate of Paradise Gas Carriers, a joint venture between the Tsakiris and the Vasilopoulos families.

Strategic partnerships Paradise Navigation has entered into in its history since 1996 have included cooperations with pool manager Heidmar, US shipowner Harry Sargeant and Stena.

Paradise Navigation was originally established by the Tsakiris family in 1968, as Navipower Compania Naviera.

According to his LinkedIn page, Los has also been a partner at Global Bridge Advisors, a Piraeus-based firm providing advisory services on corporate strategy, technology and financial solutions in the maritime sphere.