Hamburg owner Aug. Bolten is joining MPC Capital's bulker technical management joint venture Ahrenkiel Vogemann Bulk (AVB).

MPC said the merger will be completed shortly to expand AVB's market position "significantly".

The managed fleet will grow to 17 bulkers from 12, with an average age of six years.

"With the accession of Aug Bolten, the company is renamed as AVB Ahrenkiel Vogemann Bolten," MPC said.

The Aug Bolten group controls 17 bulkers and a boxship.

The focus of the management company is now on the handysize segment, with two newbuildings of this type under construction, MPC said.

Another new handysize was added to the platform in January.

A spokesman for MPC told TradeWinds: "The partners are open for further growth and discussions with potentially additional partners.

"We are still focusing on various sizes but were recently more active in handysize sector as we identified a favorable demand/supply/orderbook situation," he added.

AVB, founded in 2016, also offers management services to third parties.

MPC joined forces with another Hamburg owner, H Vogemann,, to start the venture with 14 bulkers.

The initial focus was on supramax and pamanax segments and the fleet included three ships from Hamburg's KG Reederei Roth.

Its website says it currently has 12 ships: five handysizes, five supramaxes, a panamax and a capesize.

Five are now included from Roth. The capacity is more than 1m dwt.

Michael Silies, Jan-Eric Panitzki and Karl Mohr will continue to act as managing directors.

MPC has been contacted for further comment.