Damen Shipyards head of communications Sylvia Boer is the new president of the Netherlands' chapter of WISTA.

The Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association was founded in 2000 and currently has 140 members from across the maritime industry.

Boer has been a member since 2008 and joined the organisation’s board in 2013.

She said: “I am honoured to take up this position as president of WISTA in the Netherlands.

"Within the role I will strive to connect women in the maritime industry, helping them to expand their networks and skills, encouraging them to inspire each other in their careers by sharing thoughts and advice – to make a difference with a feminine touch in a man’s world.”

WISTA focuses on a number of priority topics affecting the industry: sustainability, new technologies, big data, health and safety, cyber security, blockchain, developing cultural sensitivity and clean oceans.