High-profile shipping analyst Erik Nikolai Stavseth is leaving Arctic Securities to join Golar Power.

Stavseth confirmed his departure in an email today and will start his new commercial role with the Golar LNG joint-venture on 1 February.

“My time in Arctic has been an exceptional learning experience – by and large driven by the recipients of our research and meeting with clients and companies who provide insight and well-posed questions that make us dig deeper,” he wrote.

“The shipping market is an ever-changing riddle where one answer usually only leads to a new question and I am thankful for all the people I have been able to discuss the many facets of shipping with."

Golar Power was set up last year as a joint-venture between Golar LNG and Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners.

“I will be joining Golar Power and look forward to applying the knowledge acquired ‘at the desk’ in an industrial approach,” Stavseth said.

He has been with Arctic seven and a half years and his research duties will be taken over by Andreas Wikborg, who has been working alongside Stavseth since April 2016 after being hired from Pareto.

Father of one Stavseth is known for his sometimes outspoken and colourful views, which were presented in part across over 1,400 issues of the Arctic Shipping Daily report.