A Carnival stakeholder has got more onboard with the world's largest cruise company.

The Vanguard Group has taken a 5.4% interest in the Miami-based cruise giant with the ownership of 28.9 million shares, according to a regulatory filing.

The Arnold Donald-led company is listed in the New York and London stock exchanges.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that listed companies must file notice with the authority anytime a shareholder's interest hits 5% or more.

The investor may have owned less than 5% previously but such interest does not need to be reported to the SEC.

As of late September, SunTrust Banks was the largest shareholder with a stake of 7.22%, or 38.6 million shares.

Carnival, which owns more than 100 passengerships over 10 cruise lines, has a market capitilisation of $48bn and 534.3 million shares outstanding.

Its stock, which trades on NYSE as CCL, climbed 0.5% to $67.09 in early-morning trading.