As if owners didn't have enough headaches just now, Grenada has chipped in with a warning for vessels to steer clear of an underwater volcano showing signs of increased seismic activity.

The Caribbean island has imposed a 5km exclusion zone around the wonderfully named Kick 'em Jenny, 8km from shore.

The alert for the volcano was raised to the appropriate lava-coloured orange, meaning an eruption could take place within 24 hours, the BBC reported.

But professor Richard Robertson, of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (SRC) in Trinidad, was quoted as saying a tsunami is not on the cards.

He warned marine operators to stay outside the exclusion zone, as an increase in gases could reduce vessel buoyancy.

The hazard is located on the shipping route from St Vincent to Grenada. It rises 1.3km from the sea bed.

The last time a volcano featured on shipping's radar was the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland.

This kept aircraft on the ground in western Europe, forcing passengers to use ferries.