Shipbrokers are typically sociable animals but the social media world sets different challenges for communication.

At Maersk Broker chief executive Anders Hald has taken on the “Twitter Challenge” where he must communicate with staff and customers via social media – in 140 characters or less.

The trial began this month with Hald asked to answer: Who is Maersk Broker? It will continue in the coming months with the next due in August. 

“On social media, you only have a few seconds to generate awareness as people scroll down their feeds. Short, precise wording is often more effective,” a spokesperson explained.

Often stories from chief executives can get long and complicated, especially when written down, and the longer the story the less they are read, he says.

“Sometimes, less is just more. So, the eye-catching Twitter Test enables us to communicate corporate messages that are to the point, easy to decode and thereby more likely to get read and remembered,” the spokesperson added.

Despite the name, Hald’s Twitter Challenge will take place on LinkedIn and Facebook.