A second gravity-based structure (GBS) housing a liquefaction unit for Russia’s Arctic LNG 2 has set off under tow to the project site on the Gydan Peninsula.

Data provider iGIS/LNG showed satellite imagery of the huge structure being towed out into Kola Bay on Thursday away from its construction site near Murmansk.

At least five tugs appear to be involved, with three pulling in the front, two at the rear and other vessels appearing to assist alongside.

The operation has been hotly anticipated.

It mirrors the delayed tow away of the first GBS to the day one year ago — an event attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Novatek chairman of the management board Leonid Mikhelson.

The first structure, which is one of three planned production trains, has been installed at Arctic LNG 2’s Utrenniy Terminal.

The liquefaction unit was originally scheduled to be operational by the end of 2023, but a series of Western sanctions imposed on the 19.8m tonnes per annum project, as well as its shipping and storage, have delayed the start-up.

Novatek has said it plans to start up Arctic LNG 2 in 2024. The project has been sanctioned by the US and UK.