Solstad Offshore has widened its client base in Thailand with a contract from CUEL for offshore work in the region.

A letter of intent has been issued to the Norwegian company for the transportation and installation of a block in the Malaysia-Thailand joint development area.

The 18,000-dwt derrick lay barge Norce Endeavour (built 2011) will install three new wellhead platforms and three subsea pipelines, starting in the third quarter.

CUEL will deploy the vessel for a total of 60 days through the first quarter of 2018.

Solstad said: “The contract represents an exciting opportunity for Solstad to establish a further strong relationship complementing its existing operations in the Gulf of Thailand.”

The offshore owner added the contract value is confidential.

Solstad’s Norce Endeavour is also working under long-term charters for Chevron in Thailand.

On a separate development, Age Remoy notified Solstad that he currently does not wish to nominate a board member, as he is entitled to do under the merger agreement with Rem Offshore.

Thus, his nominee Inger Marie Sperre has resigned as a board member and Solstad said it would consider whether a replacement would be propsed.